Who We are

“Nu Chika Enabuka” is a journey in search of our Ethiopianidentity that has been concealed through time.

ልጆች የነገ ማንነታቸውን በአገር በቀል ጥበብ እና እውቀት ውስጥ እንዲያገኙት ማስቻል ዋነኛው ዓላማችን ነው።

Nu Chika Enabuka Recreational Center

A cultural and recreational center for family.

Nu Chika Enabuka Events and festivals

Fun and Educational Ethiopian Cultural Events for Kids!

Nu Chicka Enabuka Multimedia

TV, Radio, YouTube, and Print Media Programs


ምን አሳሰበን

  • ልጆች ከተፈጥሮና ከማንነታቸው እየራቁና እናቶቻችን ያዘጋጁአቸው የነበሩ ጤናማ ምግቦች እና ግብአቶች ከማዕዳችን እየጠፉ በመምጣታቸው
  • ልጆች ተጎዳኝ ትምህርቶች አለማግኘታቸው፣ እንዲሞክሩ፣ አካባቢያቸውን እንዲቃኙ፣ አዲስ ነገር እንዲፈጥሩ እና Motor Skill እንዲያዳብሩ የሚረዳ መዓከልና የትምህርት ስርኣት አለመኖሩ
  • ወላጆች ከልጆቻቸው ጋር በቂ ጊዜ እያሳለፉ አለመሆኑ እና ስለ ልጆች አስተዳደግ የተዛባ ግንዛቤ በአብዘኛው ስለተፈጠረ
  • ልጆች ከጤናማ አመጋገብ እና ከአካላዊ እንቅስቃሴ መታቀባቸው እንዲሁም የማንነት ጥያቄ ያለባቸውና የተዛባ የህይወት ዘይቤ የሚከተል ትውልድ እየተፈጠረ መሆኑ

እንዴት ጀመርነው

ልጆቻችን ልክ እኛ እንዳደግነው ከተፈጥሮ ጋር የበለጠ ቀርበው እንዲያድጉ ፣ በማጫወት እና ለችግሮቻቸው መፍትሄ የሚያመነጩ እንዲሆኑ ለማድረግ ጥረት ጀመርን

በመኖሪያ ቤታችን ለቤተሰባችን ሁሉ የሚበቃ የጎሮ አትክልቶች በመትከል ፣ ዶሮ በማርባት እና እንቁላል በማግኘት የተለያዩ የፈጠራ እና የስነጥበብ ስራዎችን በመስራት ሂደት ውስጥ ልጆቻችንን በቀጥታ በማሳተፍ ያላቸውን ተሰጥኦ እንዲያወጡ እረዳናቸው፡፡

በግቢያችን የምንሰራውን ስራ እና የልጆቻችን ውሎ የብዙ ጎረቤቶቻችንን እና ወዳጆቻችንን ቀልብ ገዛ ስለሆነም የፈጠርነውን ተፅእኖ ለማሳደግ ወደ ትምህርት ቤቶች ሀሳባችንን ይዘን ሄድን ፡፡

Company Background

Nu Chika Enabuka is a registered trade name under the Rizvan Addis PLC. Since 2015, it has been preparing different festivals in different areas including schools and has been participating in Bazaar and Art exhibitions to bring its work of contemporary crafts and artwork to the specially to children. Using its own unique approach, the Nu Chika Enabuka Program has been entertaining and teaching children and teenagers learn through play so that they know their country and culture. Via its own Children’s TV programs, it also helped many children to build their creative knowledge.

Founders Profile

The founders of the vision for the realization of this Culture Restoration project, Hamere Mulugeta and Yoseph Weldeamanuel, are Ethiopian artists who are fonder of restoration of Ethiopian cultural identity.

Hamere Mulugeta
(Visual Artist)

Hamere has a diploma from Ale School of Fine Arts and Design, and a level 3 graduate from the TVET College in Music. She also has taken courses on Pottery, Graphics, and entrepreneurship. Ever since she was a child, she has been close to nature, tradition and had a strong sense of patriotism. Through those traits, she acquired several valuable traditional skills and developed deep-rooted cultural identities.

Hamere has participated in many Bazars and Art-Exhibitions and she has been producing many works of handicrafts, for the past ten years. She studied several species of plants and identified those that are of health benefits, and amassed quite a large collection of plant species. She has entrepreneurial skills and enjoys being innovative and creating things that solve problems. Hamere has lots of experience instructing adults on graphics and teaching children arts and crafts for several years.

Hamere Mulugeta came up with the idea, and her beloved husband, Yosef W/Amanuel, has always been assisting on her endeavours. For the past 6 years, they have been investing what they earn on creating activities that engage children. In the years 2013-2019, over 2000 children have attended their events. They want children to spend their free times with them, so they collaborate with schools and get kids involved in their activities. In the current year, they have encouraged the participation of parents by dedicating an entertainment and family day and using the slogan “nu chika inabuka”,  they hold activities like TIT Fetela, Pottery, Shimena, Traditional games and a lot of festive entertaining events.

Mr Yoseph Weldeamanuel
(Visual Artist)

Hamere has a diploma from Ale School of Fine Arts and Design, and a level 3 graduate from the TVET College in Music. She also has taken courses on Pottery, Graphics, and entrepreneurship. Ever since she was a child, she has been close to nature, tradition and had a strong sense of patriotism. Through those traits, she acquired several valuable traditional skills and developed deep-rooted cultural identities.

Hamere has participated in many Bazars and Art-Exhibitions and she has been producing many works of handicrafts, for the past ten years. She studied several species of plants and identified those that are of health benefits, and amassed quite a large collection of plant species. She has entrepreneurial skills and enjoys being innovative and creating things that solve problems. Hamere has lots of experience instructing adults on graphics and teaching children arts and crafts for several years.

Hamere Mulugeta came up with the idea, and her beloved husband, Yosef W/Amanuel, has always been assisting on her endeavours. For the past 6 years, they have been investing what they earn on creating activities that engage children. In the years 2013-2019, over 2000 children have attended their events. They want children to spend their free times with them, so they collaborate with schools and get kids involved in their activities. In the current year, they have encouraged the participation of parents by dedicating an entertainment and family day and using the slogan “nu chika inabuka”,  they hold activities like TIT Fetela, Pottery, Shimena, Traditional games and a lot of festive entertaining events.

Hamere and Yosef

Our Vision

We Ethiopians have everything we possibly need at our disposal and, our ancestors knew what to do when someone got hurt or sick because they had a deeper understanding of their surrounding environment. The strong, the healthy, the enlightened, the obedient, and the respectful are those who will inevitably own everything. The wisdom of our ancestors comes from them spending most of their time respecting and loving their natural surroundings. Nevertheless, all seems lost because our identities and our culture are seemingly being eroded and replaced.

Our ancestors were putting this know-how of their surroundings to practice for a long time before. Western medicine, for instance, just recently told us that deriving medicine from nature is a healthy and acceptable practice. Nowadays we let our children spend their times on their phones and TV programs separated them from the natural world, floating as superficial nobodies. We are never going to be able to fully pay for the mistakes we are making as a generation, and now is all the time we are left with, to look into ourselves for once and wake up from our long slumber.  So, what we are lacking, is the realization that we have all we could ever need right under our feet and over our heads, and our children should be made aware of the immense fortune right at their fingertips, called “nature” that will help us make amends for all the wrong we have done up until this moment.

Therefore, the vision of this project is to create a little piece of Ethiopia, which one can recognize at first sight. What we want to create is a place where parents can come with their children to walk barefoot feeling the very ground pulsate under their feet, and the very air filling their lungs, all while the cultural foods inspire them to heights well beyond imagination. We would like our creation to not only be felt by the basic senses but by a sixth sense that will relish in a beauty that is truly Ethiopian. This will be the place that will turn every Ethiopian into a true Ethiopian, by inducing regret and anger one will feel for not being themselves for all these years.

Join Us

በየዝግጅቶቻችን ሁሉ ለማህበራዊ እና የጤና ችግሮች ቦታ ሰጥተን እርዳታ የምናሰባስብ ሲሆን በጦርነት ለተፈናቀሉ ህፃናት የሚደርስ ከ6000 በላይ መፅሀፍት እና መጫወጫዎች አሰባስበን አሰራጭተናል ፡፡ አንዲሁም ጭቃን በመጠቀም (clay teraphy) በትሮማ ውስጥ ላሉ ልጆች ማገገሚያ የሚያግዝ ዶክመንት ከተለያያዩ የስነ ልቦና ባለሙያዎች ጋር በማዘጋጀት ስራ ላይ እንዲውል አድርገናል፡፡

ማዕከላችን የተለያዩ ግብረ ሰናይ ዝግጅቶችን በነፃ እያስተናገደ ይገኛል